# How to Add a Custom Domain to Your SellAll Store

Enhance your SellAll store's professional appearance and boost customer trust by adding a custom domain. Follow these simple steps to integrate your domain seamlessly with SellAll.

# Step 1: Access Your SellAll Dashboard

  1. Log in to your SellAll account.
  2. Navigate to Store Settings > General > Custom Domain.

# Step 2: Enter Your Custom Domain

  1. In the Custom Domain field, enter your desired domain (e.g., store.yourdomain.com).
  2. Click Save to proceed.

# Step 3: Configure DNS Records

After saving, SellAll will provide you with two essential DNS records in a dialog box:

  1. A CNAME record pointing to custom-domains.sellall.cc
  2. A TXT record for domain verification

# Step 4: Update Your DNS Settings

Access your domain registrar's DNS management panel (or your DNS provider if different) and add the following records:

  1. Add a CNAME record:

    • Host/Name: Your subdomain (e.g., 'store' or '@' for root domain)
    • Value/Points to: custom-domains.sellall.cc

  1. Add a TXT record:
    • Host/Name: Usually '@' or left blank
    • Value: The verification code provided by SellAll

# Step 5: Verification

  • The verification process typically takes a short while but may extend up to a few hours.
  • Regularly check your SellAll dashboard and click on "I have added the records" to verify the setup. If successful, you'll see a confirmation message and your custom domain status will change to "Active."

  • Once verified, your custom domain will be fully active and integrated with your SellAll store.

# Note for Cloudflare Users

If you're using Cloudflare for DNS management:

  • Follow the same steps to add the CNAME and TXT records.
  • Important: Ensure the CNAME record is not proxied through Cloudflare. Set the proxy status to "DNS only" (gray cloud icon).

# Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues or the verification process seems prolonged:

  • Double-check your DNS settings to ensure all records are correctly added.
  • Verify that you've waited long enough for DNS propagation (can take up to 48 hours in some cases).
  • Contact SellAll support for assistance if problems persist.

By following these steps, you'll successfully add a custom domain to your SellAll store, creating a more professional and branded experience for your customers.